Jan 30, 2011

من فوائد الأسفار

يقال أن الأسفار تكشف معادن الناس و أصالتهم 
 و في إحدى أسفاري
 و بالذات إلى الصين 

 تعرفت على أصالة تضاهي سور الصين عراقة و جمالا 
أهديهم هذا الرسم البسيط

Are you Difficult ? ..... Take it Easy !

Color Your Life ....

Jan 23, 2011


No Limitations .....

You have powers you never dreamed of.
You can do things you never thought you could do.

There are no limitations in what you can do..
Except the limitations of your own mind.

" إن السمع و البصر و الفؤاد كل أولئك كان عنه مسئولا"

Your Faith

Enjoy the moment .... Be what you are

Your faith will take you through the darkness.

Your belief shall prove that the sun will shine again.


Darknes Beauty II

Enjoy the moment... Live your dreams ...
Your faith will take you through the darkness.
Your belief shall prove that the sun will shine again.

Jan 22, 2011

Let your mind flow

I drew this piece while listening to Yanni , Let your mind flow .....

Jan 17, 2011

My First

This is one of my first drawings. I have no specific title for it